Common name: D-Tetramethrin
CAS No.: 548460-64-6
Specification: 92%TC
Molecular formula: C19H25NO4
Structural formula:
Mode of action:
D-Tetramethrin is a nerve agent that poisons the nervous system of insects by inducing excitement and then blocking nerve conduction, causing convulsions, paralysis and death.
Description: A potent multi-purpose insecticide often used to control insects presenting risks to public health.
Example pests controlled: Mosquitoes; Flies; Cockroaches; Wasps; Hornets; Fleas; Ants.
Example applications: Houses; Public health situations.
Common name: D-Tetramethrin
CAS No.: 548460-64-6
Specification: 92%TC
Molecular formula: C19H25NO4
Structural formula:
Mode of action:
D-Tetramethrin is a nerve agent that poisons the nervous system of insects by inducing excitement and then blocking nerve conduction, causing convulsions, paralysis and death.
Description: A potent multi-purpose insecticide often used to control insects presenting risks to public health.
Example pests controlled: Mosquitoes; Flies; Cockroaches; Wasps; Hornets; Fleas; Ants.
Example applications: Houses; Public health situations.