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99%TC, 480SL, 90%WDG
Common name: Dicamba
Description: A herbicide for control of annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds and brush species.
Example weeds controlled: Bedstraw; Buttercup; Carpetweed; Cocklebur; Lambsquarters; Mallow; Goosefoot; Pigweed; Sowthistle; Velvetleaf; Knapweed; Teasel; Plantains; Bindweed; Thistles.
Example applications: Cotton; Sugarcane; Soybeans; Sorghum; Asparagus; Grass seed crops; Non-cropland; Cereals including wheat, triticale, oats, maize, rye.
Common name: Dicamba
Description: A herbicide for control of annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds and brush species.
Example weeds controlled: Bedstraw; Buttercup; Carpetweed; Cocklebur; Lambsquarters; Mallow; Goosefoot; Pigweed; Sowthistle; Velvetleaf; Knapweed; Teasel; Plantains; Bindweed; Thistles.
Example applications: Cotton; Sugarcane; Soybeans; Sorghum; Asparagus; Grass seed crops; Non-cropland; Cereals including wheat, triticale, oats, maize, rye.